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Reiser Experts

DesignHornet was tasked with creating several “Micro-sites” for our publishing client, Sosland Publishing.  These micro-sites each has expertise content in various areas of Reiser’s large line of meat processing and packaging solutions.  Each site also included, e-zine newsletters, video integration and other dynamic features.  Example

“Technology and Expertise from Reiser Application Specialists”…

Every one of our Reiser Application Specialists is an authority in their industry, with a deep knowledge of technology backed with decades of application expertise. Our team of experts help customers improve their process and their product. Read their stories and learn how they can help advance your operation.

Burger Trends

Americans just love their burgers, but many are looking for something more than a “traditional” item. Read our E-zine to learn what burger trends are hot and what you can do to capture your share of this valuable business.

  • Vemag FM250 uses gentle, low-pressure forming to produce more tender, better eating burgers
  • High-speed system produces exact-weight patties with a hand-made appearance
  • Vemag Process Check monitors individual patty weights and automatically adjusts the stuffer – ensuring uniform weights and reduced giveaway
  • Quick changeovers from one patty shape or size to another

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